Articulated stainless steel machine levelling feet
Articulated stainless steel machine levelling feet in hygienic design with rubber base for vibration reduction and anti-slip properties Designed for heavy load in harsh environments under tough conditions Articulated machine levelling feet are designed for the industries where continuously heavier demands on the material resistance and a design for easy-to-clean. Industries like: Medical equipment, Food & drug processing equipment, Packaging machinery, 3A design-meat & poultry processing equipment, Dairy processing machines The spindles are smooth at the end towards the base and the threads are protected by a sleeve to ensure easy cleaning The spindle and base are sealed with silicone sealing The sleeve is sealed with silicone sealing to the smooth end of the spindle and is sealed to the mounting plate with silicone sealing These features make NHK sealed hygienic feet comply with 3A and EHEDG requirements (UK) NHK Group is the leading manufacturer of adjustable feet and leveling pads in stainless steel. We supply according to the highest hygienic demands from food processing industry. (DE) NHK-Gruppe ist der führende Hersteller von höhenverstellbaren Füßen und Ausrichtflächen aus Edelstahl. Wir liefern die höchsten hygienischen Ansprüche aus der Nahrungsmittelindustrie nach. (DK) NHK Group er den førende producent af justerbare maskinsko og svejseplader i rustfrit stål. Vi leverer i henhold til de højeste hygiejniske krav fra levnedsmiddelindustrien. (IT) NHK Group è il principale produttore di piedini regolabili e pastiglie di livellamento in acciaio inox. Forniamo secondo le più elevate esigenze igieniche da parte dell’industria di trasformazione alimentare. (IT O) Leader nella produzione di piedini regolabili per macchinari e supporti di livellamento in acciaio Inox. Le forniture sono realizzate secondo i più alti standard qualitativi dell’industria del food processing. (FR Nicolas) NHK Group est le leader mondial dans le domaine de la production de pieds de machines ajustables, et de plots de nivellement en inox. Nous produits respectent les plus strictes exigences d’hygiène de l’industrie alimentaire. (FR N) NHK Group est l’un des leaders dans le domaine de la production de pieds de machines ajustables, et de plots de nivellement en inox. Nous produits respectent les plus strictes exigences d’hygiène de l’industrie alimentaire. (ES) NHK Grupo es el fabricante líder de pies ajustables y las almohadillas de nivelación en acero inoxidable. Proveemos de acuerdo con las más altas exigencias de higiene de la industria de procesamiento de alimentos. (ES J) NHK Grupo es el principal fabricante de pies ajustables para maquinaria y de almohadillas de nivelación en acero inoxidable. Proveemos de acuerdo con las más altas exigencias de higiene de la industria alimentaria. (UK) NHK Group supplies a wide range of adjustable machinery feet in stainless steel for the adjustment, stabilization and vibration reduction of all kinds of machines and equipment. (DE) NHK-Gruppe liefert eine breite Palette von einstellbaren Maschinen Füße aus Edelstahl für die Anpassung, Verstellung, Stabilisierung, Vibrationsdämpfung und Schwingungsreduktion von allen Arten von Maschinen und Anlagen. (DK) NHK Group leverer en bredt udvalg af justerbare maskinsko i rustfrit stål til justering, stabilisering, vibrationsdæmpning og vibrationsreduktion af alle former for maskiner og udstyr. (IT) NHK gruppo fornisce una vasta gamma di macchinari piedi regolabili in acciaio inox per la stabilizzazione di regolazione e di riduzione delle vibrazioni di tutti i tipi di macchine e attrezzature. (IT O) E’ disponibile un ampio range di piedini regolabili, Riduttorri e stabilizzatori di vibrazioni per tutti i tipi macchinari ed impianti. (FR) NHK Groupe fournit une vaste gamme de machines pieds réglables en acier inoxydable pour l’ajustement, de stabilisation et de réduction des vibrations de toutes sortes de machines et d’équipement. (FR N) NHK Group fournit une large gamme de pieds de machines ajustables en Inox pour l’ajustement, la stabilisation et la reduction de vibrations de tout type de machines et équipement. (ES) NHK Grupo dispone de una amplia gama de maquinaria de pies regulables en acero inoxidable para el ajuste, estabilización y reducción de la vibración de todo tipo de máquinas y equipos. (ES J) NHK Grupo suministra una amplia gama de pies de acero inoxidable para maquinaria, para lograr el ajuste, estabilización y reducción de la vibración de todo tipo de máquinas y equipos. (UK) Machine foot, machine feet, machinery foot, machinery feet, adjustable foot, adjustable feet, leveling foot, leveling feet, levelling foot, levelling feet, hygienic foot, hygienic feet, Stabilization, vibration reduction, leveling pads, levelling pads, leveling mounts, levelling mounts, Machine mounts, Machinery mounts (DE) Maschinenfuß, Maschinenfüße, Maschinenfüßen, Schienenfuß, Schienenfüße, Schienenfüßen, Stellenfuß, Stellfüße, Stellfüßen, Stelzfuß, Stelzfüße, Stelzfüßen, hygienische Fuß, hygienische Füße, hygienische Füßen, Stabilisierung, Schwingungsreduktion (DK) maskinsko, maskinfødder, maskinfod, nivelleringssko, nivelleringsfødder, nivelleringsfod, justerbar maskinsko, justerbare maskinfødder, justerbar maskinfod, hygiejniske maskinsko, hygiejniske maskinfødder, hygiejnisk maskinfod, Stabilisering, vibrationsreduktion (IT) piede Machine, i piedi della macchina, a piedi macchinari, macchine piedi, piedi regolabili, piedini regolabili, piedi di livellamento, piedini di livellamento, igienico piede, piedi igienico, Stabilizzazione, riduzione delle vibrazioni (FR) pied de la machine, pieds de la machine, les pieds des machines, machines pieds, pied réglable, pieds réglables, de mise à niveau des pieds, pieds de nivellement, les pieds d’hygiène, des pieds d’hygiène, Stabilisation, de réduction de vibration (ES) los pies de la máquina, máquina de los pies, los pies de maquinaria, maquinaria de pies, los pies ajustables, patas regulables, la nivelación de los pies, la nivelación de pies, los pies de higiene, los pies de higiene, Estabilización, reducción de la vibración (IT) Piedi regolabili in acciaio inox, Piedi Regolabili, Piedino regolabile per macchinari, Piedino regolabile igienico, Piede di livellamento ingienico (FR) Pieds réglables en acier inoxydable, Pieds Réglables (ES) Pies de máquina en acero inoxidable, Pies Ajustables, Patas regulables para maquinaria, Pies de higiene para maquinaria. As promised, you’ve gained valuable insights into the transformative power of Components and parts in hygienic design for the food and pharmaceutical processing machine. If you’re ready to enhance precision, reliability, and operational excellence in your industrial processes, contact us now at our global locations: Your journey to unmatched precision and reliability begins with NHK’s Components and parts in hygienic design for the food and pharmaceutical processing machine. Transform your industrial landscape – contact us today! Do you have any questions about our products? You are always welcome to contact us for questions about performance and solutions for your machine or anything else. You can read more about how to contact us here. You can find us in Denmark, the UK, Germany and Hong Kong. Checkout our wide Product line | NHK Machinery Parts here.
Articulated stainless steel machine levelling feet in hygienic design
Our hygienic levelling feet are provided with FDA certificate (FDA CFR 21 177 2600) with unique batch ID number for food safety traceabilityArticulated machine levelling feet with FDA certificate
Articulated machine levelling feet and stainless feet in hygienic design
Levelling feet in extra hygienic design features and advantages:
EHEDG certified levelling feet in sealed hygienic design features and advantages:
Machine levelling feet with rubber base for vibration reduction and anti-slip properties
(FR) NHK Groupe est le principal fabricant de pieds réglables et tapis de mise à niveau en acier inoxydable. Nous fournissons aux plus hautes exigences d’hygiène de l’industrie de transformation des aliments.Ready to elevate your precision?
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